Haiku Society of America Senryu Award
in Memorial of Gerald Brady
Judges: Mike Rehling & Kelly Sauvage
See 2021 judges' comments.
First Place
over world events
cicadasAmy Losak, New Jersey, USA
Second Place
rainbow flag
there is no color
for who I amAlvin B. Cruz, National Capitol Region, Philippines
Third Prize
home movie
my parents mute
the sex sceneSpyros Mylonas, Tennessee, USA
Honorable Mention
another fight—
the roses from last time
still bloomingGreg Schwartz, Maryland, USA
Honorable Mention
conspiracy theories why you won’t return my calls
kjmunro, Yukon Territory, Canada
Honorable Mention
crushed by guilt
cicadasAmelia Cotter, Illinois, USA
Honorable Mention
election night seabirds switch to the other landfill
Matthew Markworth, Ohio, USA
Honorable Mention
estate sale
a bargain
on bedpansSpyros Mylonas, Tennessee, USA
Honorable Mention
falling leaves
the unexpected weight
of her ashesHelen Ogden, California, USA
Honorable Mention
travel ban
I stroke her hair
with my cursorAlan S. Bridges, Massachusetts, USA
Honorable Mention
world hunger
the emptiness
of emojisJune Rose Dowis, Louisiana, USA