Officers of the Haiku Society of America - 2024
  • HSA President

    Crystal Simone Smith
    Crystal Simone Smith
    <crystalsimone915{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>

  • HSA First Vice President

    Gary Hotham
    Gary Hotham
    10460 Stansfield Road
    Scaggsville, Maryland 20723
    <hsavicepres{ at }aol[ dot ]com>


  • HSA Second Vice President

    Sarah Paris

    Sarah Paris
    Santa Rosa, CA
    <hsa.2vp.sarah{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>

  • HSA Editor of Frogpond

    Allyson Whipple
    Allyson Whipple
    <allyson{ at }allysonwhipple[ dot ]com>



  • HSA Newsletter Editor

    Evan Vandermeer
    Evan Vandermeer
    <evan[ dot ]vandermeer12{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>


  • HSA Secretary

    Michelle Schaefer
    Michelle Schaefer

    10535 NE 201st
    Bothell, WA 98011
    <HSASecWashington{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>


  • HSA Treasurer

    Bill Deegan
    Cynthia Brackett-Vincent
    Farmington, Maine
    <cbv.hsa{ at }encirclepub[ dot ]com>


  • HSA Electronic Media Officer

    Jay Friedenberg
    Randy Brooks
    6 Madera Court
    Taylorville, IL 62568
    <brooksbooks{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>


  • International Coordinator

    Michael Dudley
    Michael Dudley
    Chatham, Ontario
    <mjd.ic.hsa.23{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>


  • Regional Coordinators


    Richard Matta

    <Lanai1492[ at }yahoo[ dot ]com>


    Mid Atlantic

    currently vacant



    Rowan Beckett Minor

    <rowanbeckettpoems{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>



    Michael Drummy

    <mdrummy56{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>



    Kristen Lindquist
    12 Mount Battie St.
    Camden, ME 04843

    <kelindquist{ at }gmail[ dot ]com


    Northeast Metro

    Rita Gray
    785 West End Avenue #12C
    New York, NY 10025-5454

    <ritagray58{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>



    Tanya McDonald

    <tanyamc1375{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>


    Pacific Ocean & Alaska

    Brett Brady
    2126 Kauhikoa Rd
    Haiku, HI 96708

    <brettbrady@gmail[ dot ]com>



    William Capt Sayles

    <captsails{ at }aol[ dot ]com>



    Michael Henry Lee
    1979 Winterhawk Drive
    Saint Augustine, FL 32086

    <michaelhenrylee39{ at }gmail[ dot ]com>




    Agnes Eva Savich

    <agneseva@gmail[ dot ]com>



    Richard Tice

    <ret.hsa{ at }outlook[ dot ]com>



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Please see the HSA Officer and Regional Coordinator page.

See guidlines for officer duties and responsibilities.

Here is our history of HSA officers.