Haiku Society of America Haiku Award for 1983

Haiku Society of America Haiku Award
in Memorial of Harold G. Henderson


First Place:

heart drawn in dust
by the old Indian . . .

Bill Pauly


Second Place:

whispered dusk—
      a fox picks its way
           across the ice

Ross Figgins


Third Place:

the loon's cry

Ruth M. Yarrow


Honorable Mention:

snowman's eye
sinking in
the spring rain

Ruth M. Yarrow


Honorable Mention:

Autumn afternoon:
I stand on the shadow
of the sparrow

Joyce Walker Currier


Honorable Mention:

ten below zero:
man and boy walk through their breath
to read old tombstones

Bill Pauly


Honorable Mention:

hot wind
the roadrunner's beak
opens and closes

Margarita Mondrus Engle


Honorable Mention:

Blackbirds descend
through the floaters
in this eye

Charles L. Cutler


Honorable Mention:

the old man
closes the shadow
in his hand

Darold D. Braida


Honorable Mention:

spring drizzle
rounding the thorn
a drop of light

Ruth M. Yarrow






These awards for unpublished haiku were originally made possible by Mrs. Harold G. Henderson in memory of Harold G. Henderson, who helped found The Haiku Society of America.

Download a PDF file sampler of Henderson Awards.

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See the complete collection of award-winning haiku from all previous Henderson Haiku Award competitions

See the contest rules for entering the next Haiku Society of America Haiku Award.