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Frogpond 40.2 • 2017

Museum of Haiku
Literature Award

Haiku & Senryu

Essay 1 - "Foxfire"

Museum of Haiku Literature Awards Retrospective




Book Reviews

From the Editor




Issa and Being Human by David G. Lanoue

Issa and Being Human by David G. Lanoue (2017, Haiku-Guy.com). 228 pages, 5.5×8", perfectbound. ISBN 0991284054. $9.99 from amazon.com

reviewed by Joshua Gage

<Issa and Being Human - review by Joshua Gage>
(complete PDF version)



Bushfire Moon by Ron C. Moss

Bushfire Moon by Ron C. Moss (2017, Walleah Press, Tasmania, Australia). 45 pages, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1877010767. $14.50 from amazon.com

reviewed by Robert Epstein

<Bushfire Moon - review by Robert Epstein>
(complete PDF version)



East-West Literary Imagination: Cultural Exchanges from Yeats to Morrison by Yoshinobu Hakutani

East-West Literary Imagination: Cultural Exchanges from Yeats to Morrison by Yoshinobu Hakutani (2017, University of Missouri Press, Columbia MO) 293 pages, 6×9, cloth bound. ISBN 978-0-8262-2080-6. $80 from press.umsystem.edu

reviewed by Randy Brooks

<Bushfire Moon - review by Randy Brooks>
(complete PDF version)



Books Briefly Reviewed

by Randy Brooks

<Books Briefly Reviewed>
(complete PDF version)
