
Frogpond 31.3 • 2008

Museum of Haiku
Literature Award

Haiku & Senryu





Book Review

From the Editors



Ghostly Figures

by Ron Moss, Tasmania

The fatigue hits me now, as the adrenaline fades away.

It’s still early morning, and our brigade is at a house fire that started several hours before.

The old wooden farm house was almost gone when we arrived. Thankfully, we got the word quickly that everyone was out of the house and safe. The young family had been alerted to the danger by the sound of their barking dog.

red moon
an old chain glints
on the fence post

The stench of smoke and burnt household items is everywhere. The fire truck’s lights reflect ghostly figures through the thick smoke. We roll up our hoses as the first rays of sunlight filter the ruins.

charred toys
tiny clothes hang
on the outside line

