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Frogpond 47.3 • 2024

Museum of Haiku
Literature Award

Haiku & Senryu

Essay 1 - Haiku of Louisiana

Essay 2 - Haiku of Care

Essay 3 - Diane di Prima

Essay 4 - John Brandi

Essay 5 - Brazilian Haicai

Interview - Kat Lehmann



Book Reviews

Haiku Society of America



Haiku Poet Interview: Kat Lehmann

by Jacob D. Salzer

Haiku Poet Interview: Kat Lehmann
(complete PDF version)

Here is a sample excerpt from the opening page of this essay:

Country of Residence: USA

Website: https://katlehmann.weebly.com

Current Occupation: Associate Research Scientist and Clinical Trial Regulatory Specialist, Yale University

Past Occupations:

1. Regulatory Analyst, Yale University Human Research Protection Program
2. Lab Technologist, Harvard Medical School
3. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sorter at an environmental
impact station that monitored nuclear power plants
4. Salad Bar Tender at Burger King (when they had a salad bar!)
5. YMCA Day Camp Counselor


1. BA in Molecular Biology (Hampshire College)
2. Ph.D. in Biochemistry (University of Utah School of Medicine)
3. Post-doctoral fellowship in Biochemistry (The Scripps
Research Institute)

Interests and Hobbies: momming, wheelthrowing pottery, hiking, gardening, lake-ing

Haiku Volunteer Positions and Affiliations:

1. Panelist for The Haiku Foundation Touchstone Distinguished Book Award (2021-2023)
2. Co-judge of the 2022 Haiku Society of America Harold G. Henderson Haiku Award (2022)

[feature continues for several more pages] . . .

Salzer, Jacob D. "Haiku Poet Interview: Kat Lehmann." Frogpond 47.3, Autumn, 2024, 42-54.

This excerpt inclues the first page of the feature: page 42. The complete feature includes pages 42-54. To read the complete feature, click on the link to the PDF version:

Haiku Poet Interview: Kat Lehmann
(complete PDF version)
